U-TURN Videos

Chord Charts

  • Sheet Music
    Here are the chord charts for the songs we do on Sunday mornings and in youth. Right click the link and select "Save As" to choose where you'd like the file to go. Once you download it and unzip the file, you'll find almost every song we do.
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The Garage

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U-TURN Activities

  • Weekly Activities

    Here's a list of our weekly activities. We do cancel for holidays, special events, and exams, but in general, these are pretty consistent programs.


    10am - Small Group Ministry

    5pm - U-TURN/Bible Study in Homes.


    6-7:30pm - U-TURN Youth Ministry

    Random Times throughout the Week

    Ministry Training for Youth - Youth Band, Drama Team, Video Crew

  • Special Events

    Summer District Camp

    - Join our District @ Lakeview

    Summer Mission Trip

    - Everything from local home repairs, to working with the homeless, to indian reservations.

    Summer Camping Trip

    - Just our group

    Fall & Spring Retreats

    - A full weekend with a speaker and band, or sometimes it's just a quiet bible teaching time.

    Mission Mondays

    - Summer half-day local missions @ the pregnancy help center, the port ministry, world in need, safe haven, boys and girls club, and retirement homes.

    Faith in Action Weekends

    - We have an opportunity about 3 times a year to serve our community.

    Breakthru Retreat

    - Local Methodists come together to worship @ Pineywoods with a great speaker and band in April.

    Day Trips

    to IMAX, Schlitterbahn, Comedy Sports, Star Cinema Grill, Miller Outdoor Theater, etc.

U-TURN Blog Info

  • TypePad
    If you want to edit your blog here's the link. Just put in the password and you're good to go.
  • Blog Editing Instructions
    If you need help making your page look cool, here's a good place to start. You can always call Steve (979-415-4522) for help too.

U-TURN Chat Room

  • Chat Room

U-TURN Missionary

U-TURN Books